Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Video Lesson # 5: Down under

Today we are going to take a look at some Australian slang vocabulary with the famous song Down under from the Australian band Men at work.

This song was released in 1981 on their first LP Business As Usual and was their greatest hit, reaching number 1 in American Top 40 chart.

As you will see while you listen to it, it´s a song about an Australian traveler who is bothered by the stereotype image that people around the world have about Australia: a land of beautiful women, big muscled men that drink lot of beer and plenty of wellness everywhere. But it´s also a great song to learn some Australian vocabulary, so this is a lesson that you must follow if you are planning to visit Australia or New Zealand.

As always, follow the usual steps:

1- Download the lyrics sheet, and go to page 1 where you will find the song´s lyrics with some missing words (gaps).

2- Click this video and listen to the song while you try to fill the gaps with the words that you hear. I recommend listening at least twice to the song.

3- Check your results going to page 2 where you will find the whole lyrics of the song.

4- Take a look at the vocabulary below to understand every word of the song.

5- Listen again to the song, without reading the lyrics and try to understand most of it.


WORK SHEET  Down under work sheet 


Fried out: overheated. In this song is referred to the overheated engine of the van.

Kombi: (Australian slang) a van, specifically an old VW that was the typical hippie van in the 70´s and 80´s.

Hippie trail: referred to a way of traveling in the 60´s and 70´s where the goal was to travel as long as possible without spending too much money. Many of those trips were in a kombi where you could travel, spend the night and cook.

Zombie (Australian slang) weed, marihuana.

Land down under: other way to say Australia, as it´s a country that is in the southern hemisphere so it´s down under other countries.

To glow: to shine, or to look attractive because you are happy or healthy, especially with eyes that are shining.

To plunder: to steal goods violently from a place, especially during a war.

Vegemite: a brand name for a soft, dark brown, salty-tasting food for spreading on bread, made from yeast, that is popular in Australia and New Zealand.

To chunder: (Australian slang) to vomit, to puke, especially after drinking alcohol.

Den: a room in a house or apartment, used for activities not involving work such as reading, watching T.V. Also is a place where people secretly plan or take part in dishonest or illegal activities such as consuming drugs.

Slack jaw: mouth in an open position with the jaw hanging loosely, especially indicating astonishment. Normally is used as an adjective slack jawed.

To tempt: to make someone want to have or do something, especially something that is unnecessary or wrong.

The land of plenty: referred to Australia, as it´s a country with plenty of natural resources.

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